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About Destroy the Plague

Destroy the Plague is dedicated to fight the plague of pornography and its associated behaviors. Thomas has been a participant and facilitator of 12-Step programs: LDS Family Services Addiction Recovery Program (ARP) and S.A. Lifeline (SAL). He has served as a sponsor and supportive friend to many others seeking recovery. Thomas has experienced the miracles of change, repentance, and hope. He desires others to experience these gifts from God.

About Thomas 2.0

Thomas's life has taken a 180 degree turn since going into recovery from a thirty-year addiction to pornography that started when he was eight years old. His story told in Dark to Light gives hope that it is possible to escape from the dark trap of pornography and live in the light—free from lies, shame, and lust. Thomas hopes that sharing his journey will help others to enter the path of light in order to heal their lives and relationships. 


Why 2.0?  After beginning recovery Thomas started to feel like a different man. He began to loathe who he had been for thirty plus years.  He really wanted to change—and he was changing. He began to feel like a new man. He was done with Thomas 1.0 and the damage he had caused. He was becoming Thomas 2.0—a new and better version.

Why Anonymous?

Destroy the Plague's books and recovery resources were created with the motivation and desire to help others,  rather than for the author to seek recognition. He has chosen to follow the principle of anonymity, which is an important principle of 12-Step programs. 





Disclaimer: The content of this website and the views expressed herein are the opinions of Destroy the Plague, and should not be construed as professional advice. 

© 2019-2023 Destroy the Plague

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